salam!!! hi people! how are you?? baracuda's doing fine. alhamdulillah. she's always in happy mode. haha. once asked, 'do you ever have problem?'. sure do. i mean, who doesnt? everyone does, rite.
tapi perlu la nak merintih sepanjang masa. doesnt work that way,tho. not for her, at least. she loves to see smiling faces. it gives her more courage. you can overcome 1001 difficulties with just a smile. not fake smile. no. one with honesty. yes. that come from the bottom of your heart. haha. it gives you strength. to others. as well. so powerful that it can even stop a fight. lighten up your mood. cheer up people around you. but that doesnt mean she hates those without one. no. she's not hypocrite. she knows how things work. sure do. but y'know.. things happens. always. it wont stop. never. but it wont hurt to smile everytime you encounter one. haha. it really works. trust me.
'frown and you frown alone, but smile and the whole world smiles with you'.
btw, from Islamic perspective.. '
senyum tu satu sedekah'.. hekhekhek..
so.. say cheeeseeee..... (^_^)v
meh meh senyum!!!! :D
Smile! :)
~Berblogging dari atas kaatil hospital...~
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