salam! gonna have midterm tonite. i know. just a short post. hehe. just cant wait for baracuda's new layout. requested yesterday. suprisingly, she text me last nite. 'layout siap!'. hontoni??? yay! cant reply her text. n ive already gave a quick visit to it. n freaking love it. for thousand times, love her designs. n am kinda addicted to it. kcik. arigatou ne. u make my day. thanks 4 d wish. ^^
ngee... cant wait!
ngee... cant wait!
good luck makck senget!!!!
good luck~! and aku ske layout baru ni (kalau dilihat dr skala yg betul, bkn size lappy aku ngeh3)
to reply to Nana~ yep, the layout is compatible and best browse via mozilla with 1024x768 reso.. how does it look from ur reso? senget bengetkah?
haha! grax- tenkiu!
nana- aku p0n suke layout baru aku nih. hikhik... thnks to kcik.
chazz- erk.. ade bezakah?
mkck kompiden A la tu kan....
kalau ikut my lappy or kak atun's lappy mmg dia akn berterabur hehe. tp kalau akk x maximize kn dia n windows tu dibesarkn ikut skala yg betul dia akn masuk ke tmpt masing2 n of course cantik :D ngeh3. lappy akk reso beso dr 1024, dats y ;)
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