Wednesday, May 20, 2009

LE 4500

salam!! hi there!!! ive just finish le 4500 class where we've had several interesting presentations on public speaking.. y'know.. ethics, the do's and don'ts.. bla3... the presentations went well until a fight took place.. it wasnt really a fight i'd say.. its more towards a 'sarcastic conversation' which i enjoyed it. very much. hikhik... its all started when there was one bro (latin) being asked during his Q n A session by another bro(sudanese) from other group, unexpectedly, he wasnt satisfied with the 'attack' and when the sudanese turn came, he attacked him by continuously critisizing his way of talking, his appearance.. his slides.. in his own way. the thing is, this latin guy really love poem. he critisized the sudanese using tone we use in poem. *mkck bantai gelak x hengat laa. hambik bag tutup muka.. kahkahkah!!! gila kelakau!!* ape daaa.... tapi tabeq spring la! kalu dier msk theatre. kompem mkck g. serious! hikhikhik... dgn muke sume org cam nk biru p0n ade... mende la.. bayangkan ya.. kamu tengah marah nih! kutuk org x hingat. tapi dalam nada n bentuk poem.. hikhikhik... kerrriiiinnngggg tekakkk mkck... hikhikhik... ape daaa...*

moral of the story... jgn carik pasal ngan mamat latin. kang sangkut sbb dier mmg sweet talker x hengat. haha. zai jian!

p/s: lappyku meragam. have to replace the graphic card. adehhh.... -.-!!!


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