Monday, June 29, 2009


salam!!! im back!! haha! but only for a while. i'm off to Kuala Kangsar this wednesday for some yummy durian! yay!! *jumping around* as my mom said.. 'takda sapa leh lawan durian arwah atuk kamu.' yeah! hv to agree with that. hikhikhik... gonna snap some pics of me n my big sis kutip durian n upload em later. for now, here is something for u, my beloved bloggers.. ahaks! tadda!!! proudly present.. Big Bang acapella!! Emotion.. tak sempat nk rembat full version. YG da block. sempat dgr jek. haissyyy... chincha.. hekhek.. tak kesah.. dpt acapella p0n jadik.. *bad VIP* freakin love this song. gd's new baby. Big Bang latest single. and here's also Big Bang's Heaven MV and their live performance at Japan. Big Bang Japan debut. awesome huh! gd's hair! omo! 0.O *fangirl mode* and somehow magnae has improve his vocal a little, aite? so... yeorobun, enjoy!! ^^ err.. hope its not too late.. happy holiday peeps!! ngeheheh... ^^v


Monday, June 22, 2009


where's baracuda?? she's in 'deep sleep'. currently found at hafsa. hibernating. she's not sure herself when she'll be awake. so, if you wanna reach her.. please do so by sms. thank you. ^^

p/s: btw guys..the number of influenza A (H1N1) cases in the country continues to rise. total cases now is 50 with latest one in Petaling Jaya. so.. be careful k. keep clean. may Allah protect us.. amin...

errkk.. miss Suju already... they gonna have 1st concert soon... huhu... x kesah la.. luv 21st June Sorry2's choreo! sugoi!! ^^


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


salam. baru lepas kelas bahasa arab. tadi belajar pasal adab. sifat-sifat hamba yang beradab pada sesama manusia dan pada Allah s.w.t. antaranya tak boleh berjalan membangga diri, tak boleh berjalan laju-laju, tak boleh bersuara tinggi aka menjerit-jerit. ustaz bilang.. kalau jalan membangga diri, tak pandang bawah.. nanti jatuh atau terlanggar orang dan hanya nampak kelemahan dan keburukan orang.. tapi tak sedar kelemahan dan keburukan diri sendiri. kemudian, kalau jalan laju-laju.. nanti kita tak nikmati kecantikan alam.. sama dengan tak bersyukur.. kalau bersuara tinggi.. ustaz cakap tak sopan.. macam keldai tengah menjerit kelaparan. hmm.. lepas kelas aku muhasabah diri sejenak.. aku macam ada je sifat-sifat yang disebut ni. takutnya.. hmm.. kena belajar jadi sederhana.. kamu-kamu... aku minta maaf ya.. andai sepanjang perkenalan.. aku ada tertinggi suara atau berkelakuan yang seperti disebut di atas. sungguh aku tak sedar akan kelemahan diri.. hehe.. aku perlu maju setapak lagi.. untuk perbaiki diri. nak jadi perempuan dan ibu mithali. amin..^^


Saturday, June 13, 2009

13TH OF JUNE 2009!!!

chotto!! its 13th of June 2009.. Baracuda Alert da genap setahun!!! erk?? x perasan.. bakabara!! ngee... 95 posts.. more than 5 layouts changed.. didiey was born.. kengkawan bertambah.. dame!! perlukah mkck tuka layout baru?? selalunya kcik and nana tuka layout baru kalu celebrate anni.. hmm.. tapi mkck syg layout nih.... btw.. special thnks to friends who continuosly support Baracuda Alert!! all this while.. arigatou ne! ^^ hmm.. nk tuka ke xnak.. nk tuka ke xnk....



salam bloggers! hikhikhik... sorry for the two-weeks-MIA. ngee.. semak with quizzes and stuff.. ngeh.. nothing much to tell.. final exam da dekat.. tapi mkck xde perasaan nak study lagik.. cane?? ngeheh.. dok layan anime ja. yep! mkck ngah dalam musim anime. sume jenis anime mkck layan... any suggestion?? and mkck tgh dalam misi membalas dendam.. nanae is sooooooooo nice to have that hyukjae pic for her latest post. xpe2... nnt mkck bagi special appearance utk si donghae tu kat cni... jgn riso ek.... i'll find pro help if i have to... u little... chincha....just wait n see!!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


salam!!! hey! happy tuesday peeps! baracuda's in really happy mode. why? she pass her arabic mid term for the first time, hmm.. having really exciting conversation with her beloved mabah.. listening to their voice on how happy they are with their nasi lemak business progress. alhamdulillah. she knows that voice. tired yet happy. she's willing to sacrifice everything for that voice. hikhik. plus she dont have to spend on daily meals since mabah deliver em to her everyday. what more could she ask?? air tangan mabah + their hugs and kisses everyday. man.. that's more than enough. dia tamo jadi manusia tamak. orang tamak selalu rugi. hikhik..^^

thank you Allah..


Monday, June 1, 2009


salam!!! hola!! how's ur weekend peeps?? mine was amazing, i'd say. ngehehe... having secret recipe's strawberry choc at one of the most beautiful Putrajaya's bridge IS amazing for me. breathtaking. always admire such creation. sightseeing. thanks to you-know-who. ahaks! ^^
