Saturday, June 12, 2010


salam. hi there. its been a while ne. ive been working for six month now. 27. this figure make me realize that i need to move on. damn. i hate changes. byk perkara da berubah... and masalah pon bertambah. mengeluh? nah... culture shock jap? ya. mungkin sebab aku da biasa hidup sendiri, buat keputusan sendiri.. jadi bila setiap kali aku nak berbuat sesuatu orang bertanya-tanya, aku jadi rimas. kalau sebelum ni aku leh gamble je nak buat pe pun, now i have to think twice. coz my decision would affect others. im adapting.. have to. i love my job tho its tough. back then i used to questioned myself, 'ko sure ke nih? keje ni high risk..' but i took the challenge and ive accomplished what ive been aiming for and i am thankful to Allah for it. and now what left is to maintain, improve and aim for more.

geezz... getting older adalah sgt tak cool... esp when others put high expectation on you. its burdensome. dan aku dah mula rimas dengan angka ini. tak baik kan... tu la..

ja ne.


azuwa said...

saya juga tidak suka angka yang makin tua. ahahaa...

but life has to go on kan?? and I know u are strong enough for the challenge :]

gambatte!!! ^^

mista.grax said...

kalo la angka tu kekal kan besss....hehehhe

Fai Haneul said...

hmm...i think i've started to live as an adult.. the students help me in adapting my life being an adult, and not a youngster..i think i like it so far, but i also realize hard parts and yeah, it gives us headaches at times.. XD

Adlan said...

wah sudah 27 ek. nama pun dah hidup dalam family dan masyarakat. memang la setiap keputusan tu kena fikir pasal diorang jugak. life is about growing up and learning new things

Jard The Great said...

hehehe.. thought u were korean.. until i read Allah in ur post. =p