salam!!! hi guys! im sorry for late update. lotsa things had happened this past two weeks. courseworks, weddings, family, friends... travelling.. yep. im exhausted. and today i missed two of my classes because am not feeling well. plus..
tak makan pape lagi..
takde rasa nak makan. since it's my final semester, insyaAllah. there are several things need to be done. job interviews.. group discussions.. presentations already started.. assignments... and its only 2nd week of this semester.. taking seven subjects really drive me nuts.. again. fever n cold keep on distracting me.. ya Allah.. I really need some rest.. or i'll collapse. not complaining but.. im tired. sheeesshhhh...
nak dengar big bang kuat2! kasi gegar kepala otak!
1 comment:
harus rehat!
mak cik nih~
thanks temankan org gi sdev! ^^
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