salam!!! im back!! haha! but only for a while. i'm off to Kuala Kangsar this wednesday for some yummy durian! yay!! *jumping around* as my mom said.. '
takda sapa leh lawan durian arwah atuk kamu.' yeah! hv to agree with that. hikhikhik... gonna snap some pics of me n my big sis
kutip durian n upload em later. for now, here is something for u, my beloved bloggers.. ahaks! tadda!!! proudly present.. Big Bang acapella!! Emotion..
tak sempat nk rembat full version. YG da block.
sempat dgr jek. haissyyy... chincha.. hekhek.. tak kesah.. dpt acapella p0n jadik.. *bad VIP* freakin love this song. gd's new baby. Big Bang latest single. and here's also Big Bang's Heaven MV and their live performance at Japan. Big Bang Japan debut. awesome huh! gd's hair! omo! 0.O *fangirl mode* and somehow magnae has improve his vocal a little, aite? so... yeorobun, enjoy!! ^^ err.. hope its not too late.. happy holiday peeps!! ngeheheh... ^^v
tlg bwk balik durian erkk..huhuhuhuhu
GD neomu yeoppo!!!! buhahahahaha~
kak atunnnn nak dulian jugakkk..duliduliduliann
GD yeopuda..hik3
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