'... jangan buat keje separuh jalan.. abah bagi anak abah pilih jalan hidup sendiri, jadi pandai2 la nak hidup, jangan salahkan sesiape kemudian hari.. buat baik kat orang, ni hari dia.. esok2 hari kite pulak...'
ive been scold many times by my ex rumates back at kuantan; 'ko jangan igt dunia ni berputar di keliling ko jek.. keluar dari kepompong ko tu. cuba pandang sekeliling! jgn igt ko jek jadi mangsa.. ko xkan kemana ngan perangai ko tu! tak bawak pekdah kat sesape pon!' huhu.. it's because i always assumed 'its all about me'.. whenever there's conflict, i'll take the blame and my friends annoyed with my attitude. thanks friends! you guys taught me a lot!
so, no matter how hard the cobaaaaannn was.. i'll try to overcome it.. dgn hati yg terbuka!
but, lately.. it seems like ive lost my focus.. and it led me to you-dont-wanna-go state of mind. tend to isolate myself from outside world. dont know why.. however,having a really peaceful three days at home wake me up! alhamdulillah... guess what?? i 'woke up' during cooking for my family. haha!!! watching them eating.. cheer me up and bring back colors to my blank mind. ngehehehe!!! kelakau t0l.. and everything went back to normal.. alhamdulillah...^^
hek3.. cooking still the best theraphy after all. adios!!!^^v
Cooking is the best therapy?
That calls for a serving of trifle!
Haha... Just kidding.
Wisdom ayah akak itu is sooo true.
Miss you kak aton~~~
hi T!!! hikhikhik... ye.. nnt da buka sem, ade rezki lebih.. singgah2 la bilik saya.. kite wat trifle bersama2 dan abehkan sampe lebam! ngeee....
haha! abah saya seorang yg penuh dgn nasihat2 begitu.. tp anak dia ni jek yg x makan saman. ngeee...
miss u too T!
ngahahaha...saya ni dah penat masak...nona tak maw masak..ngwauauaauaua... kirim salam sama kluarga anda!!
nak triffle!!!!!!
rasanya, cleaning lagi best..
bila mood tak elok, Q masak jadik ta sedap..
Owang pon nak trifle gak..
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