tagged by nanako... panjang x hingat...
5 brands that you like the most:
- x sure. haha!!
5 brands that you dislike the most:
- same as above. sbb aku bedal jek bende ape p0n. ngeee.. taste cap ayam.^^
5 countries that you want to go the most:
- korea
- Japan
- china
- middle east
- european continent
5 countries that you do not want to go the most:
- xde.
5 items that you like the most:
- didiey *lappy*
- n70 + sim card saya.. no phone pertama saya dan insyaAllah xkan tukar sampe bila2..*pemberian mabah*
- bag ceklat yg beli kat bandung.. *da nk jahanam... -.-!!*
- segala bentuk keychain yg ada dlm simpanan saya. *keychain collector*
- jam alba *1st gift dr you-know-who* ahaks! ^^v
5 items that you dislike the most:
- haha. x sure. sume aku bedal asal leh pake.
5 people that you love the most: *nak lebih 5 ble??*
- me, myself and i
- parents + adek beradek lagik 10org tuh + 16 org ank buah.. bleh??
- Lunchsters
- Angklungians
- p0kcik *you-know-who*
5 people that you hate the most:
-x bek benci org.. nnt kite kene balik.. haha.. ntah. org yg dibenci x dpt dikenalpasti. da lupe. aku ade masalah short term memory lost. ^^
5 colors that you like the most:
- pink
- ceklat
- itam
- peach
- ijo
5 colors that you dislike the most:
5 things that you dream the most:
- rumah kat tepi laut
- cooperS
- jawatan kat HR dept
5 things that you do not dream at all:
- lesen kete.. nape kene bawa kete.. kenderaan awam kan byk.. -.-!!!
- id0p tanpa mabah disisi
- *berfikir.......*
- *berfikir...................*
- *dan berfikir lagik..* tu jek kot...
5 of your positive characters:
- Positive
- pendengar yg leh diharap, bak kata member saya
- confident *to some extent jek* ngehehe...
- peramah
- ade sket sense of humor.. kot..
5 of your negative characters:
- panas baran
- bad time management
- selfish
- amik mudah sume bende
- dan byk lagik... hahah!!!
5 moments that you miss the most:
- men angklung sampe lebam sambil bersuke ria tanpa memikirkan pak guard kunci pintu
- camping kat pantai balok sesuke hati aku time diploma dulu *fly tetiap mggu* XDD
- dulu tetiap mlm mgg abah suke bawa ank2 abah yg seblas org ni mkn angin sampe kul 3 pg.. semata2 nk g cuci mata ngan lampu neon warna warni yg ade kat bandar kL tu n pada masa yg sama abah leh menikmati bawak van di jalan yg lengang, nikmat giler..x jam cam siang hari. hahaha!! best weh. kekadang kitorg merayau sampe port klang nk rs angin laut di mlm ari n aku sibuk lari dari lipas yg buduh dan huduh itew.... huh.. rindu sungguh waktu itu.. skunk sume da besau.. da kawen. xleh jln2 da.. kalu g p0n, tggl aku ngan tasya jek. xde maknenye.. xde feel berebut makanan..
- tlg mak g anta kuih dipagi ari seblum g skola
- tdo kat leberi masa fly class mase skola menengah.. ngee..
5 moments that you do not want to remember at all:
- x igt
5 positive characters of your best buddies:
- memahami
- marah aku bila aku wat salah
- penyayang
- good listener
- susah senang bersama
5 negative characters of your best buddies:
-aku x perasan, depa sengal overdose kot..
5 things that you happy to do the most (Of your entire life):
- tdo
- tenet
- masak pastu tgk org mkn bende yg aku masak
- wrestling ngan ank buah aku and disakat oleh adek2 aku.. kalu tu leh mengembirakn mereka.. aku redha. hahah!!
- monthly dinner ngan keluarga aku yg ramai di taman melati
5 things that you regret the most:
- x igt
Favorite animal: pooh
Favorite actor: sume aku layannn...
Favorite actress:
same as above
Favorite things that you do when you are alone: tdo
Favorite website:
youtube, google videoFavorite moment:
tdoFavorite sport:
sepak bola..
Favorite vegetable: sume jns sayur
Favorite movie:
for now, hinokio
Tag another 10 people : nil