'okay.. you have been telling me all those characteristics that we need upon a leader in a country.. now in your point of view, which do you prefer, a leader who is fasikh but know how to lead, know how to manage.. or rather a leader who is pious, but cant lead..?'
and surprisingly, the presenter said, 'i would choose 1st. because the leader who cant spread or transmit the da'wah has failed as a person himself.. those who know the hukm, the condition and the rules who witness a wrongdoings.. but doing nothing to stop it from happen is worse than evil.'
and the ustaz said, 'good. u may continue...'
and my mind said, 'what??? bleh ek??'
and here is the definition of fasikh:
corrupt – antithesis of ‘adil, according to some scholars, or synonymous with kafir (disbeliever) according to others.
and my mind said, 'what??? bleh ek??'
and here is the definition of fasikh:
corrupt – antithesis of ‘adil, according to some scholars, or synonymous with kafir (disbeliever) according to others.
n here's the real confusion. As a political science student, i have been taught a lot about philosophy, government and institutions. we've been exposed to scholars theories on good qualities of a leader.. keep aside western thinkers, among Muslim scholars themselves; piety and virtue(knowledge) come first. a fasikh doesnt fit because he failed the requirement. i got that point.
but now, the ustaz claim the opposite.
.........*berfikir lagi*
............*dan terus berfikir....*
here's my thought..
to lead is not what you get as soon as you were born.. a lot of skills required, true. but you can always learn, its all there in the Qur'an and Sunnah. and a good leader is one who can guide the subordinate to the right path.. not the other way around.. true?
but how come a fasikh can be a leader?
i need to make myself clear on this issue so could you, my thoughtful bloggers friends, readers and indirect teachers.. please give your piece of thought on this issue... so, i can regain my peaceful state of mind...
p/s1: again.. do leave comment of my writing error.. so i could improve.. thank you teacher!!
p/s2: haha!! *hv been listening to suju's 3rd n bof ost all day* sambil kaki digerakkn mengikut rentak lagu.. haha.. hyukjae!!!!*kcik... x puas hati la.. ost bof ini bukan versi yg akak dengar.. how come eh??*
p/s3: yay!!! mabah saya menghantar kari ayam yang sangat lazat!!! terima kasih mabah!!! hmm... sedang menaip sambil menikmati bau kari masakan rumah... *krrkkkrkk* itu perut saya yang memberi signal suruh segera pulang.. dia minta diisi... hahaha.. *sabar ya... sattttt je lagik....*
............*erk* *lapar*@@
later! ^^v
but now, the ustaz claim the opposite.
.........*berfikir lagi*
............*dan terus berfikir....*
here's my thought..
to lead is not what you get as soon as you were born.. a lot of skills required, true. but you can always learn, its all there in the Qur'an and Sunnah. and a good leader is one who can guide the subordinate to the right path.. not the other way around.. true?
but how come a fasikh can be a leader?
i need to make myself clear on this issue so could you, my thoughtful bloggers friends, readers and indirect teachers.. please give your piece of thought on this issue... so, i can regain my peaceful state of mind...
p/s1: again.. do leave comment of my writing error.. so i could improve.. thank you teacher!!
p/s2: haha!! *hv been listening to suju's 3rd n bof ost all day* sambil kaki digerakkn mengikut rentak lagu.. haha.. hyukjae!!!!*kcik... x puas hati la.. ost bof ini bukan versi yg akak dengar.. how come eh??*
p/s3: yay!!! mabah saya menghantar kari ayam yang sangat lazat!!! terima kasih mabah!!! hmm... sedang menaip sambil menikmati bau kari masakan rumah... *krrkkkrkk* itu perut saya yang memberi signal suruh segera pulang.. dia minta diisi... hahaha.. *sabar ya... sattttt je lagik....*
............*erk* *lapar*@@
later! ^^v
perhaps i am not able to give a piece of my mind...
leader is a leader because they are suppose to lead?
Fasikh leader, they don't fit the criteria as a good leader. but how do we know they are fasikh..?
ini pendapat saye.
daya kepimpinan ni satu bakat. bagi saya, ianya terbentuk sejak azali, ia terbentuk dari kecil lagi.
ok a leader who is fasikh; in Islamic perspective, itu bukan pemimpin yang baik. Mybe dia boleh lead, tapi dari segi agama dia tak perfect.
tapi dia boleh lead; something yg tak sume orang boleh buat. itu satu kredibiliti yg org anggap agak tinggi. at least bagi saye.
so bagi saya, dia masih boleh lead, dgn syarat ada org kanan dia mesti tolong dia to the right path.
maybe org yg pious itu (yg takde bakat nak lead tu) boleh jadi assistant dia. dgn syarat leader tu setuju and leader to hormat dgn si pious nye knowledge on religion.
so inilah dinamakan saling tolong-menolong.
manusia takkan jd sempurna. baik leader atau tak. tapi kita still bleh ubah ke arah yg lebih baik mengikut kemampuan.
owh.. your English is very good ^^
ssh nya nk bg pendapat...
mmg Islam leader tu kena penuhi semua criteria yg kak atun ckp tu n da most important leaders should be yg beriman. kalo ikut masa skrang nie mmg ssh la kan nk jumpa. nak jumpa yg both qualities tu satu dlm sejuta kot. again ayat klise nya - nobody perfect!!!
apa yg wawa ckp tu mmg byk yg btul..so di sebabkan kita nie x perfect mana, sumbody should taught them wat rite n wrong. jgn smpi yg mengajar pun 2x5 mmg abis la...
serious benda ni complicated n need to think deeply...sumtime kita pun x terpikir benda2 nie...
just my cent...
salam : Just giving some opinion...
* No man is an island
* the duty of being khalifah of Allah is not upon indivudial, but it is a collective responsibility to all human kind.
* Sebab tu la, apabila seseorg individu itu dilantik untuk menjadi seorang ketua, dia perlu ada ciri2 yang diperlukan dalam setia leader.
* in case dia tak berapa ada ilmu agama, then its become his responsibility to seek the knowledge and advice from the knowledgable one....
* ehm..tanggungjawab sebagai ketua ni sgt besar sebenarnye..n yang paling perlu diingat... setiap tindakan yang diambil, akan membawa effect kepada semua org...it might be +ve or -ve effects....
* tapi tak ramai yang benar2 sedar akan tanggungjawab yang dipikul..dan betul2 juga melaksanakan taggjwb diorg sebaiknyer...
REnung2 kan n selamat beramal.!!!
sekadar pandangan dari saya yang serba kekurangan.... jika salah, sila betulka....
* kak aton, tahniah atas perbincangan yang sgt menarik ini.. (^_^)
stuju ngn pendapat kak wawa..
thanks to Q, wawa, grax, luz and emy for your opinions.. really appreciate it.. fuh.. clear my mind a bit. hek33.. here's a conclusion i made from ur comment;
different opinion makes me think harder.. and now i know the answer.. yeah.. we can never judge people from one angle. we have to look and analyze their true nature.. fasikh is so general term to be understood at the first place, and its unfair for us to punish people without giving them chance to change.. haha!! here come give and take..thanks people!! ^^v
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