just come back from alumni office.. 1 of the officer was my fav lect from political sc dept. n she's d best in her area.. went met her for some dept matters and suddenly, she gave me this rarely-asked-qs-from-her..
miss:"satdiyatun, lepas grad hang plan nak buat apa??"*slang utara*
mkck: *gulp! erk, apekah??* sepantas kilat mkck jawab.. HR kot..
miss: apa kot?? mana boleh main kot2..
mkck: ngehehe *sambil sym kambing*.. yep! positive! sy nk join HR dept.. priority private co.
miss: *nodding* *pause* u hv 2 sem to go rite?
mkck: insyaAllah.. awat miss?
miss: hv u fill the SPA form?
mkck: *dgn huduh dan buduhnya mkck reply* "heh? SPA? blm. kena isi ka?"
miss: *tepuk meja* haisy budak ni! u'r running out of time la satdiyatun.. and i dun think HR
suits u.. u should try ptd..*miss da masuk gear director alumni*
mkck: *terkedu jap* hah? ptd? me? *sambil menggeleng dgn lajunya* x dapat....mkck: *gulp! erk, apekah??* sepantas kilat mkck jawab.. HR kot..
miss: apa kot?? mana boleh main kot2..
mkck: ngehehe *sambil sym kambing*.. yep! positive! sy nk join HR dept.. priority private co.
miss: *nodding* *pause* u hv 2 sem to go rite?
mkck: insyaAllah.. awat miss?
miss: hv u fill the SPA form?
mkck: *dgn huduh dan buduhnya mkck reply* "heh? SPA? blm. kena isi ka?"
miss: *tepuk meja* haisy budak ni! u'r running out of time la satdiyatun.. and i dun think HR
suits u.. u should try ptd..*miss da masuk gear director alumni*
miss: awat plak x dpt? hang poli sc stdnt, rugi hang masuk HR (cam penah dgr je ayat ni.. hah!
inche radhi melontarkan ayat yg sama)..
mkck: ptd kena berjiwa rakyat, sy ni ignorant.. *snym*
miss: *geleng* hmm.. typical malay girl.. self-esteem rendah, hey, u never know until u try. n
u should try ptd.
mkck: hehe.. *snym jek* *mkck x berani berkata2 da, kang kn lect, bl miss da masuk gear
counselor, abeh la mkck.. leh bdarah tinge.. huhu..
miss: hmm.. snym x bw kemana.. take my words into accnt.. jgn masuk tlinga kiri, kluar tlinga
mkck: baik miss. kalau xde apa2 lg,sy minta diri dulu.
miss: ok.
apakah yg mkck cuba sampaikan? haha. nothing. awkward. smlm my bf said d same thing, day b4 yesterday, old fren from KPMIM attack me with d same issue kat ym.. Allah.. bleh x jgn tekan mkck dgn bende ni skunk.. ptd? me? ya!! ppl always have dis high expectation 2wrds me.
cuba tny apa yg mkck nak?? sekali jek... =.=